Thank you for your interest in applying for a grant from More Than a Thrift Store. Below, click the yellow Grant Application button to open the grant application form . Please complete the application and click the yellow Submit Application button. Applications are due by June 30.
Nonprofits with federal 501(c)(3) status operating within Cheshire County are eligible to apply.
Applying for funds from More Than a Thrift Store is not a guarantee of receiving funds. Funds are awarded annually. Receiving funds one year does not carry over to following years. An application must be completed each year you wish to be considered for funding.
More Than a Thrift Store’s board of directors will make all decisions pertaining to which applicants receive funds and how much funding they receive. All decisions are final. All applicants will be notified by July 30th, by mail or by phone stating the status of their application. If an award is granted, receiving organizations give permission for More Than a Thrift Store to use their name for advertising and promotional purposes. This will include, but not be limited to, More Than a Thrift Store’s web page.